By Robert Harrington
Purveyers of political correctness, especially those who proclaim the ultimate PC, namely that it doesn’t exist.
Sportswriters who can’t write "Tiger Woods" without boring us with an extended dissertation on his lineage.
A president who insists he’s cooperating with a special prosecutor while his lawyers are putting up roadblocks at every step.
"Diversity consultants" and other knaves whose livelihood depends on the continuation if not intensification of racial animosities who recite "this is a racist country" every ten minutes.
People whose first thought for everything from A to Z is to pass a law, spend public money and throw any who don’t go along in the slammer.
First Amendment cultists who roll their eyes and cluck about "censorship" at the suggestion of the most modest steps to suppress the product of the vilest pornographers.
The brand of feminist who takes offense if you open a door for her.
People who insist on compiling an unending stream of data "disaggregated" by race, ethnicity and gender in all human activities with the aim of assuring that certified victim groups are represented in the prescribed numbers.
So-called multiculturalists whose primary delight in life is to find fault with anything American.
ACLU lawyers, especially the ones who constructed the argument that racial and gender preferences are required by the Equal Protection Clause.
People who think that if anything is worth doing, the federal government should do it.
Newspapers in which it is impossible to distinguish between the news and opinion sections.
Pols who vote huge deficits in the current year while congratulating themselves deliriously for balancing the budget five years hence – and do the same again five years later.
Liberals who say "don’t try to impose your morality on me" while acting out the latest PC Kabuki.
Conservatives always carping, carping… whoops, that’s me. Oh, well.
Morgan Hill Times, July 1, 1997